środa, 30 listopada 2011

Make Religious Freedom a Presidential Priority

God is doing extraordinary things

Dear Mariusz,
The upcoming Primaries for the Presidential election provide us with an incredible opportunity to advocate for persecuted Christians worldwide. Open Doors USA has partnered with Professor Tom Farr of Georgetown University, an esteemed International Religious Freedom expert, to produce and promote the Presidential Pledge for Religious Freedom.
We will present this pledge to all of the primary presidential candidates and ask each of them to sign it. A candidate's signature indicates that he or she commits to upholding religious freedom for people of all faiths in America, nominating U.S. federal judges who are committed to upholding religious freedom as defined in the pledge, and prioritizing religious freedom concerns in U.S. foreign policy. Read pledge here>>
You can help us by signing a petition that urges presidential candidates to sign our pledge. Please take a moment to sign this import_ant petition now!We will inform candidates of the number of American signatures on this petition to help them understand that we all care about religious freedom and want our President to protect and promote it.
It will also help you, American voters, to know which candidates truly care about religious freedom. It is easy for them to say they care about an issue, but words mean little without action. We hope that this pledge will demonstrate which candidates are serious about protecting religious freedom at home and abroad.
Lastly, it will help provide accountability for signers of the pledge. If one of the signers wins the presidential election, we will have a public agreement from the President of the United States to protect and promote religious freedom. This is incredibly import_ant as politicians often make promises that they fail to keep.
Please sign our petition today, and be sure to forward this campaign to as many of your friends and family members as possible. Together, we can bring religious freedom into the national spotlight!
Lindsay Vessey
Advocacy Director
Open Doors USA
Contact your U.S. Representative to support H.R. 440 for appointing a Special Envoy for religious minorities

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Open Doors works in the world's most oppressive countries, strengthening Christians to stand strong in the face of persecution and equipping them to shine Christ's light in these dark places. Open Doors empowers persecuted Christians by supplying Bibles, training Christian leaders, developing Christian communities and ensuring prayer, presence and advocacy for these suffering believers.
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